With $ 700 billion yearly turn over and around $ 150 billion revenue the total sports market is huge. To participate in the sport economy is virtually impossible, because there are only about 25 sports clubs people can buy stocks from. For the nearly 4.9 billion sports fans this makes the sports market one of the least accessible markets. Knowing that many people would like to participate in the sports economy, BoXX United offers the opportunity to purchase KiXX utility tokens, which support their favourite sports club or athlete.
Top 10 quantity of practitioners worldwide
1. Football
2. Cricket
3. Hockey
4. Tennis
5. Volleyball
6. Table tennis
7. Baseball
8. Golf
9. Basketball
10. American Football
4 billion
2,5 billion
2 billion
1 billion
900 million
850 million
500 million
450 million
400 million
400 million
Athletics is the largest unorganised sport in the world with 100s of millions of people practicing it.
Do you want to know how you can easily participate in the sports economy and at the same time support your favourite sports club or individual athlete? Check https://boxxunited.com/boxx-united-for-fans-and-sponsors/.