Uw veilige toegang tot de wereld van digitale activa

Bij Boxx United staan we voor transparantie, integriteit en de veiligheid van onze klanten. Daarom willen we je informeren dat we nooit deelnemen aan tokenclaims of airdrops. We begrijpen dat deze praktijken vaak worden gebruikt voor oplichting en fraude, en we zijn vastbesloten om je te beschermen tegen dergelijke risico’s. Waarom we niet deelnemen […]
In-house AML/KYC

The law requires us to monitor for Anti-Money Laundering (AML). For this, it is necessary to know who is buying or selling through our KiXX virtual marketplace. Therefore, we carry out Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures when registering new users. AML to prevent money laundering AML refers to the web of laws, regulations, and […]
Unique collaboration e-tv.no and BoXX United

In the documentary series Skøytejentene (Skating Girls), the Norwegian online television channel e-tv.no will follow five skaters from the Norwegian national speed skating team. The first episode will be launched on Saturday October 15th. Approximately 25 episodes will be recorded and broadcast in the coming weeks and months. These young athletes fit perfectly within the […]
3 Majors for Aimee Pratt

BoXX United Ambassador Aimee Pratt at World Championships USA It’s been a very busy year post-covid with BoXX United Ambassador Aimee Pratt qualify for three Major Championships. At this moment Aimee prepares herself in Eugene Oregon, USA for the World Championship Heats over 3000m Steeple Chase on the 16th of July, with the final on […]
Damex Pro League

As sponsor of the Damex Pro League basketball tournament in Gibraltar, we are looking forward to the first matches. This new and exclusive tournament is a never-before-seen competition that gives both young and more experienced, promising athletes the opportunity to prove themselves. For coaches and agents the Damex Pro League is also a great opportunity […]
Meet the Manchester winners!

At the BoXX United Manchester World Athletics Continental Tour we had to chance to meet the winners. Have a look at the pictures!
The 6 key features of blockchain

Blockchain is the technology on which cryptocurrencies work, but it is much more than that. We explain its 6 main features. What is the blockchain? Blockchain is a huge database, in which all kinds of transactions are stored in blocks. These blocks contain information about the transactions that have taken place, like payments with […]
What is cryptocurrency?

Do you want to support your favourite sports club or athlete by buying KiXX? Then let us first explain that KiXX is a cryptocurrency and what that means. Cryptocurrency is digital money that you can buy and sell for regular money or other cryptocurrencies and are called coins or tokens. These decentralised digital currencies work […]
What is blockchain technology?

KiXX and all other crypto currencies are based on blockchain technology. Blockchain is a relatively new kind of database, in which all kinds of transactions are stored in blocks. These blocks contain information about the transactions that have taken place. These can be payments with a digital currency or the exchange of important data, such […]
Why sport offers great opportunities

Football is still the most popular sport in the world. The top 10 most popular sports have 4.9 billion fans worldwide, but for these fans it’s almost impossible to benefit from this huge market. BoXX United changes this and offers fans an opportunity to support their favourite sports club or athlete but also get something […]